CMSC 201 Fall 2024
This is an archived semester! This content is from Fall 2024. Please ensure this is what you're looking for! The current semester can be found here.
Welcome to the class page for CMSC 201 Fall 2024! This is for Shane's sections (30, 50, 70). You can review the class material here. See Blackboard for up to date information on assignments. All CMSC 201 classes are coordinated by Prof. Hamilton.
Questions? Reach out to any TA or your lecturer (Shane)
Day 0: Syllabus, and Computers are Really Neat
Introduction to the course and I attempt to convince you that computer science is awesome! -
Day 1: Input and Variables
Taking input and output! How do we store variables? -
Day 2: Conditionals
Making decisions based on variables! -
Day 3: Advanced Conditionals
Day 4: Lists and Loops
doing things for more things -
Day 6: While and String Manipulation
while True: print(''.join(['p','y','t','h','o','n'])) -
Day 5: Advanced Lists and Loops
for _ in range(10): print('pyyyythonn') -
Day 7: Strings!
strings, splits, joins, oh my! -
Day 8: Functions
functions! very cool B) -
Day 9: Advanced Functions
scopes & such -
Day 10: Dictionaries
another mutable structure for us :) hashmaps! -
Day 11: File Input/Output
file io :^) -
Day 12-13: Recursion
def f(): f() -
Day 14: Number Systems
how do we represent numbers? -
Day 15: Debugging
fixing our code -
Day 16: Advanced 2D Lists
multidimensional exploration :^) -
Day 17-18: Midterm 2 Review
10x dev grindset -
Day 19-20: Sorting & Asymptotic Analysis
all sorts of fun -
Day 21-22: Programming practice problems
practice makes better -
Day 23-24: Final Review
our last review :,)