Day 1: Input and Variables

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CMSC 201: Variables and Data

Day 1 Agenda:

  • GL and Linux practice part 2
  • Who cares?
  • Variables, input, and printing
  • Office hours: Tu/Th 2PM-3PM in ITE 373 (or email me whenever!

    GL and Linux

    Another look at the terminal

    Keybinds (emacs style!):

    Using nano


    Side topic: getting help on homework and asking good questions. Please include your question detials up front!

    Who cares?

    Variables and data are the bread and butter of all programs.

    Let's do something! Let's do Baldur's Gate 3 dice rolling :) We'll use input, variables, and a bit of conditionals. ( Ours will be text only :) )

    Let's learn the tools we need :)

    Data types

    cool_int = 5
    my_float = 2.0
    print(True, "nice string", cool_int)

    An alternative form of printing variables: format strings.

    Side topic: compiled vs interpreted: compiled programs are unreadable without specialized tools. Interpreted programs (like Python) are not compiled and are "directly" executed from the code you read and write.

    Input function

    input() lets us get a string input from the user.

    my_input = input()

    Escape characters

    Character Rendered as
    \n Newline
    \r Carriage return
    \t Tab
    \\ \
    \’ or \” ' or "
    print("hi hows it going\rhey")
    print("they said: \"hi\"")


    Operation Examples
    Adding 2 + 3 x += 4 "hi how are" + " you"
    Multiplying 100 * 4 y *= z "a" * 50
    Subtraction 10 - 7 x -= 41
    Division 70 / 7 x /= 5
    Integer division 71 // 7 y //= 5
    Modulus 80 % 7 y %= 10

    PEP8 Standard: how should your code look?

    my_bool = True
    if my_bool:
        print("it's true!")

    Let's write the code!

    A dice roll program: take user input, throw dice, check if passed!

    import random
    print("You're doing your CMSC201 homework at 11:30PM on a friday. Will you succeed????")
    dice_sides = 20
    ## random dice roll
    roll = int(random.random() * dice_sides) + 1
    ## add our bonuses
    hero_bonus = int(input("What is your bonus: "))
    ## determine if it was successful
    dc = 10
    combined_roll = roll + bonus
    print("Roll:", combined_roll, "original roll:", roll)
    if combined_roll >= dc: